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The Ultimate Shadchan Guide

The Ultimate Shadchan Guide

What is A Shadchan and Why Bother Here’s the simple definition: A Shadchan is a matchmaker that connects a couple so they can date for the purpose of marriage. If you’re reading this, you probably know that already. What you really want to know is how you can leverage...

Long Distance Shidduch Dating – Am I Living in the Wrong City?

Long Distance Shidduch Dating – Am I Living in the Wrong City?

A Reader Asks: I often hear from friends, family, and well-meaning neighbors, that I should consider moving to a larger dating center such as Israel or New York.  They believe that my opportunities would be greater there. I’m wondering if this is really necessary...

Shomer Negiah:  What Is It and Why It’s My Secret To Dating Clarity

Shomer Negiah: What Is It and Why It’s My Secret To Dating Clarity

Question I have been in a serious relationship for the past 8 months. Things are going very well, but when I bring up engagement it gets tense and he shuts down. I don’t believe he has commitment issues and believe he does want to marry me. I did not grow up religious...


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